Ayeeee! Asago is the worst! She is so unstable she has no care about airing private matters in the lions den. I mean, how stupid can you be?! He has made things clear more than once how he saw you, way before the kiss & engagement. Yet, you still wanted to force the issue because you wanted to possess him. It was never about love but about your obsession and your brainwashed need to become the Seisai. You never gave him a choice. You never cared about his wants or needs. You wanted him to continue to act like the adult he was forced into being. Even though he is a child like you.
As for Akira, what an idiotic creep! Why the HELL would you yell out her name like that?!! Calmly and casually guiding her away from the criminal would have been the safe & logical option. Ugh! I hate this character so much. It's such a waste of potential. He could have been someone that Tsukasa could look up to and admire, an adult that she could trust and feel safe around. Hell, the whole family could have. They sure as shit need adult supervision and a good scolding/lecture, from time to time. Instead, he's been stuck with a somewhat incompetent personality and childlike behaviour along with a Lolita complex for the daughter (14) of a Superior he admired and respected. Like their are soooo many issues that a psychologist would LOVE to pluck out of this guys brain.
I am not ready for the bad shit to begin..... whimpers