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🇮🇩aku akan menaikkan level cinta suamiku sampai maksimal
I'm Trying to Raise My Husband to Full Level, 남편을 만렙으로 키우려합니다, leveling my husband to the max
누오바 / 유기농
🇰🇷Manhwa,Fantasy,Full Color,Romance,Survival,Time Travel,Tragedy
Melody Drifting in the Rain
夜船吹笛雨潇潇 / Playing the Flute / Sailing in the Night Rain
cang yue / lu jing
Action,Historical,Martial Arts,Romance
🇮🇩Kembalinya Penyihir kelas 8
8 keullaeseu mabeobsaui hoegwi / 8클래스 마법사의 회귀 / Revolution of the 8th Class Mage / The Return of the 8th class Magician
류송 / Saseum / Yangdeer / 사슴
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Action,Fantasy,Historical,Time Travel
Nishizawa 5mm's Oneshots
I Want To See a Naked Girl in Real Life / Can You Lend Me Your Dick, Please? / Don't Mind the Sex of Others / What Color Is It? / Girlfriend Who Makes 5 Times Your Annual Income and Spoils You / Encounter With A Classmate / Disgusting Otaku / The Self-Consoling Gal / I Want To Make Mikami-san Pay Attention / A Fun and Friendly Workplace / What The Girl Says Every Time / The Girl Who Forces You to Look at Her Selfie and Charges Money For It / I Wish I Had This Kind of Life in College / The Terrifying Devil Won't Let Me Go Back To Work / Tricked by a Shortie / A Serious Kouhai and a Not So Serious Senpai’s Dating Negotiations / Don't Block My Way With Your Thiccness
Nishizawa 5mm / Nishizawa 5miri / @wanwangomigomi / 西沢5ミリ
🇯🇵Manga,Oneshot,Ecchi,Anthology,Comedy,Office Workers,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Coiling Dragon
Bàn Long / Crouching Dragon / 盘龙 / Panlong
i eat tomatoes / tong yi ming
Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Martial Arts
Nyotaika Yanki Gakuen Ore no Hajimete Nerawarete masu
Genderbender Yankee School / 女体化ヤンキー学園 ~オレのハジメテ、狙われてます。 / Nerawaretemasu.,Gender-Swap at the Delinquent Academy -He's Trying to Get My First Time!-
Yori Takao
🇯🇵Manga,Josei(W),Smut,Gender Bender,Romance,School Life
Umbrella Girl Dreams
Umbrella Girl Dream Discussions / 伞少女梦谈
wei ying / zuo xiaoling / umbrella girl dreams 14
🇯🇵How to Discipline a Lying Maid
嘘つきメイドのしつけ方 / Usotsuki meido no Shitsukekata
Oh, Chunja Chunja! High School Bullying
Chunja High School Loner Oh Chunja / High School Bullying / 춘자고교 왕따 오춘자 / Thủ Lĩnh ChunJa
hwang mi-ri
Shoujo(G),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Romance,School Life
Pink Blossoms Mirror Your Beauty (BBL Scans)
WangYi / HuanLe GeXi / Ake / LinLang / HuiFei DexiGua
🇨🇳Manhua,Josei(W),Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Reincarnation,Romance,Royal family,Villainess
Nyotaika Yankee Gakuen - Ore no Hajimete, Nerawaretemasu.
Gender-Swap at the Delinquent Academy -He's Trying to Get My First Time!- / Genderbender Yankee School / 女体化ヤンキー学園 ~オレのハジメテ、狙われてます。~
takao yori
Josei(W),Adult,Smut,Gender Bender,Romance,School Life
This Boy got me falling Hard
My Boyfriend Got me Falling in Love
Yue Ying
Manhua,Webtoon,Full Color,Reincarnation
Melody Drifting in the Rain
夜船吹笛雨潇潇 / Playing the Flute / Sailing in the Night Rain
cang yue / lu jing
Shoujo(G),Action,Drama,Historical,Martial Arts,Romance
🇪🇸Oh, Chunja Chunja! High School Bullying
Chunja High School Loner Oh Chunja / High School Bullying / 춘자고교 왕따 오춘자 / Thủ Lĩnh ChunJa
hwang mi-ri
Shoujo(G),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Romance,School Life
It's Hard to Make You Fall in Love (Official)
Asking You to Date Is Too Hard / Falling in Love With You Is Hard / Rejecting Love / 请你恋爱太难了!
Haoyigesijia / Kuaikan Comics / Bao Quing Comics
🇨🇳Manhua,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Full Color,Romance,Slice of Life
The Trainee Starts By Splitting Bricks With Bare Hands
Lin Baiyin / NEKO, Coke
🇧🇷Beloved Wife is not Well-Behaved (Português)
Xian Lin, Yi Lu Mao /
🇯🇵Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
The True Feelings of a Lying Childhood Friend
🇯🇵Manga,Oneshot,Childhood Friends,Romance
Saat itu musim dingin. Myeongyi datang ke pesta reuni SMPnya untuk melihat Seonho, pria yang diam-diam dia sukai. Namun, sulit bagi Myeongyi untuk bersenang-senang dengan yang lain karena sifatnya yang pemalu. Dia menyelinap keluar dari pesta untuk merokok. Kemudian, Seonho juga bangkit dan mengikuti Myeongyi.
Bboong bbang kkyu / -
🇬🇧Manga,Yaoi(BL),School Life,Sci-Fi,Shounen ai,Slice of Life
I Became a Legend After My 10 Year-Long Last Stand (Official)
10 Years After Saying "Leave This Here to Me and Go," I Became a Legend / I Became a Legend a Decade Later After Telling my Comrades to Leave Everything to Me and Retreat First / I Became a Legend After My 10 Year-Long Last Stand / Koko wa Ore ni Makasete Saki ni Ike to Itte kara 10-nen ga Tattara Densetsu ni Natte Ita / Ich kämpfte zehn Jahre zwischen den Dimensionen und kehrte als Legende zurück / Légende Vivante / ตรงนี้ให้ฉันจัดการเอง แต่พอ 10 ปีผ่านไปก็กลายเป็นตำนานไปซะแล้ว / ここは俺に任せて先に行けと言ってから10年がたったら伝説になっていた / 여기는 나한테 맡기고 먼저 가라고 말하고 10년이 지나 전설이 되었다
Ezo Gingitsune / Chako Abeno
Taishou Mugen Kitan
大正夢幻奇譚 / Beloved Princess / Evil One / Taisho Dream Stories / Taisho Dream Stories – The Killing Stone / Taisho Dream Stories – Yin & Yang / Taisho Era Chronicles / Taisho Mugen Kitan / The Killing Stone / Yin & Yang
higuri you
Shoujo(G),Drama,Historical,Sci-Fi,Shounen ai,Supernatural
🇮🇩Personifikasi Hal Yang Paling Menakutkan Di Dunia Ini
The Personification of The Most Terrifying Thing In this World / 人類が最も恐れるものを擬人化
Yoshinaga Yunosuke
🇯🇵Oneshot,Comedy,Drama,Horror,Slice of Life
🇪🇸Beloved Wife is not Well-Behaved (Español Spain)
Xian lin, yi lu mao /
🇯🇵Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
🇮🇩Raja Penyihir Kehancuran dan Golem Ratu Barbar
Hametsu no Madou Ou to Golem no Banhi
Northcarolina / Inoue Hinako
Falling Blue (BBL Scans)
Dropping Blue / Falling Blue / Zhuì Lán / 坠蓝
Leyou Yinghua / Hua Fu
🇨🇳Manhua,Drama,Full Color,Romance,School Life,Shoujo ai
Pursuit: Blind Man Blues
gyimah opare / pursuit: blind man blues 15
Doujinshi,Seinen(M),Horror,Martial Arts,Psychological
🇮🇩Did Yuanbao Make Money Today?
元宝は今日お金を稼ぎましたか? / 元宝今天赚钱了吗? / Yuanbao 는 오늘 돈을 벌었습니까? / Apakah Yuanbao Menghasilkan Uang Hari Ini? / Adakah Yuanbao Menjana Wang Hari Ini? / هل ربح Yuanbao المال اليوم؟ / Heeft Yuanbao vandaag geld verdiend? / Ingabe i-Yuanbao yenze Imali Namuhla? / Заработал ли Юаньбао сегодня? / Zheltyy
白梦社,莫一一,Mo Yi Yi,White Dream Society / Tu Fang Ling,土方澪
🇬🇧Manhua,Shoujo(G),Action,Full Color,Historical,Romance
The Blind Nun and the Boy With Petrifying Eyes
🇮🇹Imperial Edict
Complying with Imperial Edict / Campaigning Under Imperial Edict / Fengzhi chuzheng / 奉旨出征
Lu Lingjun
Descent of the Phoenix
Feng Lin Tian Xia
yi shi feng liu
Action,Fantasy,Historical,Martial Arts,Romance