42! В любом случае, Стэн TWS! Я изо всех сил стараюсь соответствовать своему возрасту, сохранять хладнокровие и исправлять свои прошлые ошибки.
I hope a Leperchuan appears in front of my house and offers me a pot of gold... Also just some quick information about me!
I really like TWS and ENHYPEN
I'm currently learning Russian, so I still suck at it
Also if you're looking for a gl movie then you should definitely watch "The Summer", They're very cutesy and adorable!!! We don't talk about the ending though...I KNOW THEY BROKE UP, BUT LIKE...DOOMED YURI MAKES ME WANNA...AHHHHHHHHDJENFJSI
I DIDN'T GET MY BIAS KYUGMIN, BUT I DID GET HANJIN INSTEAD...THAT'S ALRIGHT, HE'S A CUTIE ANYWAYS, YIPEEE!!! Alrighty now, I think that's enough about me, Ishi out! Have a wonderful day!